Thursday, 25 April 2013

Why Become A Twitter Teacher Twit?

I have been a Twitter 'Twit', as my Principal calls it, for a little over 2 years. I started off knowing very little about what it was and who would possible want to use it. I explored a little and mostly perused tweets by searching for particular current events. Being a die-hard Ex-Pat Kiwi, my first tweet was about the Christchurch Earthquake that happened in New Zealand in February of 2011.
The first thing I really learned about twitter was how incredibly fast news is broadcasted through this medium. I think I even found out about the earthquake before my parents did (who live in NZ). I remember thinking how powerful this tool could be for communicating with others. At that point, I didn't even think I would ever use Twitter as a PD tool.

Tonight I was trying to find something I was sure I tweeted sometime in the past year. I downloaded my Twitter archive and I found a visual representation of my tweets over the last 2 years. I posted my exciting analysis of it in a screen recording below.

Last year I found a blogpost by Daniel Edwards (@Syded06) posted that described the 10 stages of Twitter for Teachers - It can be found here - I resonated with this post so much. It matched my learning curve with Twitter to a tee! I wonder how many others have had a similar experience?

I cannot even begin to explain how much I have grown as a teacher since being connected with twitter. In a year of being an active user, I have experienced ALL of the following, I have:

  • Connected and networked with thousands of passionate teachers worldwide
  • Developed a PLN (Personal Learning Network) of 700 hundred strong
  • Become an ADE Class of 2013 (Apple Distinguished Educator) - I didn't ecen know what an ADE was until I followed a colleague Duncan White (@duncwhite) and saw the apple symbol in his profile
  • Shared 100's of things I've been a part of in my school and district
  • Taken and used great ideas from teachers around the globe
  • Promoted PD events within our system
  • Connected with teachers in our system to discuss the learning commons concept
  • Found an abundance of technology based resources from other people sharing
  • Discussed issues and events with teachers, globally
  • and maybe the biggest thing for me, Made my learning VISIBLE!
To any other teachers out there who happen to be reading this. I challenge you to begin the journey. Open the door of your classroom and let the world take a peek in. We all have something to share that others would find value.

Tonight I found this challenge from fellow Tweep and ADE Carl Hooker (@mrhooker).

Keen to try it?